Practice Areas : Sex Crimes
The attorneys at Law Office Of Darin B. Wizenberg have defended clients charged with a broad range of sex offenses.
A sex crime is a form of human sexual behavior that is a crime. A person who commits a sex crime is considered a sex offender. Some sex crimes are crimes of violence that involve sex. The individual charged with this subcategory of sex crimes is often treated more harshly than those facing non-violent sex crimes.
Without question, sex crime cases are some of the most sensitive cases to handle because of the draconian penalties and social stigma attached to these types of charges. Sex offenders potentially face not only stiff legal penalties such as jail or prison sentences, probation, fines, community service and behavior modification
programs, but social consequences such as mandatory sex offender registration and public humiliation. In New York, serious offenders cannot be near school grounds or facilities caring for kids. Without fighting off these charges, life can quickly become harsh and restrictive. Fighting a sex crime charge can be one of the most stressful situations a person can go through. You will need a qualified sex crimes attorney. At Law Office Of Darin B. Wizenberg, our brand of aggressive advocacy has led to enormous success in fighting such charges. We have intimate knowledge of police, forensic and legal procedures. We utilize the most cutting-edge scientific experts during each stage of the proceedings and pride ourselves on our track record of fully exonerating so many wrongfully accused.
Types of sex crimes we have handled include:
Child Pornography
Date Rape
Statutory Rape
Computer Crimes
Child Molestation
Sexual Assault
Sexual Battery
Lewd Conduct
Indecent Exposure
Failure to Register
Our attorneys are available evenings, weekends and holidays to accommodate our clients. No matter what language you speak, we can handle your case. We have deep roots, experience and offices in every borough of New York City. Contact us at our Manhattan headquarters for an initial consultation.
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